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Where we heading

When FuuUn was established in 2001, its dream and ambition was to renovate software infrastructure in Japan especially for politics, policy and administration. This is based on what the founder had felt after working in both the US and Japanese governments. To say simply, in politics, policy and administration in Japan, the human resources were scarce, knowledge exchange was limited, and eventually its output became miserable. While facing this social problem, the founder believed that the Japanese society can be more enjoyable, if such a software infrastructure in Japan becomes as well-developed as in the US. 

The founder believed that independent policy and regulation advisory firms can be a major solution to this social problem. This is because, in the US, such advices were mainly provided by lawyers in Washington, D.C. and they played very important roles in politics, policy and administration. Actually, many of them become government executives. The founder was also surprised to see that technology company's exective and its lawyer visited government offices and proposed technologically innovative service in a regulatorily innovative way: this innovation was created by a team of entrepreneur, and policy and regulation related professional (lawyer/consultant).

In this way, FuuUn & Rivals, Ltd. was established as a first independent policy and regulation advisory firm in 2001. At that time, the founder expected that a policy and regulation advisory firms like FuuUn can ignite such software infrastructure development. Moreover, what the founder dreamt was, in 20 years, the software infrastructure in Japan would be more well-developed and its output is more reliable, while this advisory business would be as flourish in Japan as in the US at that time.

While going forward in this way, FuuUn was always working on advisory projects by expecting how its advices contributes to software infrastructure development.

When establishing FuuUn, the founder believed that the recession after the burst of the Japanese bubble economy is long enough, and Japanese economy and business environment would be better. This understanding became actually wrong. The recession has been still thriving without no exit on horizon with frequent severe downward strikes: the Lehman Brothers shock in 2008, the Great East Japan earthquake in 2011 and the Euro currency crisis in 2012, and in 2010 Japan had lost its No.2 position in the GDP size in the world. Advisory business itself has kept becoming more difficult due to companies' cost-cut efforts. 

The company name, FuuUn, a generic noun to describe revolution in Japanese and Chinese, and the logo above, morphing "FuuUn" in alphabets and also Chinese characters, is a strong backbone of this dream and ambition of ours.