
Wireline Communications

Wireline communications services had been provided only by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation. In 1985, the Telecommunications Business Law (TBL) was executed, the public corporation was privatized, and, since then, this law has been creating competitive wireline communications market. Starting providing telecommunications service is definitely getting easier than before, but there still exist many issues to win the market. The TBL is basically governing telecommunications service, but its framework is different from other countries'.

Our work for wireline communications usually starts with specific issues including TBL licensing, inter-connection, unbundling, etc. We sometimes discuss  how the TBL is not applied to some telecommunications deployment.

Mobile Communications

Now mobile communications businesses are flourishing. The Mobile communications market is more or less dominated by three careers, NTT, KDDI and Softbank, but regulatory framework of  unbundling has been well developed and there are many new players in the market as mobile virtual network operators. For mobile communications businesses, understanding the Radio Law is getting important, in addition to the Telecommunications Business Law.

Our work for mobile communications usually starts with explaining the current market structure and regulatory framework.

Safety Communications

Safety communications, whether public or private, are usually not seen easily. Once disaster occurs, people can recognize how important role such safety communications played. Japan is a country historically with many disasters and, for specific areas like ship, airplane, public services, safety communications are supporting our usual life every day. Constantly some innovations are introduced into safety communications as well and regulations are revised accordingly.

Our work usually starts with an idea of introducing new services or functions. We would like safety communications players to have an idea of providing new services, rather than of maintaining current services.

Miscellaneous Wireless Services

Satellite communications, fixed wireless communication, radar, etc. are rather minor wireless services. At the same time, there are some specific services and functions that only these communications can provide. For example, can you imagine how researchers stationing in an antarctic base communicate with its headquarters? 

Our work usually starts with explaining relevant regulations applicable to such wireless services. New entrants are few and so we would like to encourage entrepreneurs and innovative companies to enter this market.

Consumer Protections

Telecommunications services are now getting essential to people's life. In this situation, some services have caused, intentionally or unintentionally, troubles and the necessity of consumer protections are getting higher as well. Examples are children's overuse of social game, use of mobile terminals for so-called organizational ore-ore swindling, etc. New regulatory rules, guidelines and measures are becoming set up in this field and communications providers need to put a higher emphasis on consumer protections.

Our work usually starts with an ongoing trouble more or less publicly already known and includes shooting the trouble and discuss how the same trouble does not happen again. Actually, constant preparation toward consumer protections is important and so we prefer being consulted before an issue becomes a trouble.